The Mobile Revolution | Essay on Mobile Revolution | What is Mobile Revolution

The Mobile Revolution | Essay on Mobile Revolution | What is Mobile Revolution

'India Bol Raha Hai', the cellphone as arrived in India. Every age has its own lifestyle. The advent of the 21st century is the age of the mobile phenomenon. Television in the 90s of the last century revolutionized the world of entertainment and domestic life in India. Summer or winter, watching serials in the evenings became a ritual. Evening prayers by the elderly, dinners, evening call-one had to be adjusted with the timing of one's favorite serials Family gatherings became imperative for watching movies and the weekly Chitrahaar. Today it is the mobile, a tiny machine. A few years ago one could not think of being near if separated by a long distance physically. The cellphone has proved a boon for maintaining one's personal and social connectivity every minute. It has added to the mobility of the Indian masses. One can talk into it the whole day. Above all, we feel a strange sense of freedom from babus and linemen who had to be called, requested, cajoled, and gratified till our contact on stationary telephone handsets with the world was restored Today we have hassle-free connectivity. The cellphone is more than a phone today. There is hardly any activity that cannot be handled by this small magic box. Sending money overseas has become as easy as drawing money through an ATM. In fact, the tiny machine is a combination of a phone, camera, radio, and internet. No wonder then, tomorrow we may come upon a handset that can telecast programs. Letter writing has lost its charm and sending SMS is easier and faster. It does not impose any restraint on the selection of words. 'Hinglish' is both at its best and worst 'SMSing' is a favorite with youngsters. The matter does not end here. Most required information can be found.

Telemarketing is a new phenomenon in the world of marketing and advertisement. No place is unsafe for women if they are wise with their handsets Travellers can call for help wherever they are stranded. Parents are providing cell phones to children and young girls due to safety concerns. Sensing danger, they can press the 'call key unobserved. In solving crimes, the cellphone has done wonders. At times, it is our lifeline.

Cellphones have been a boon to us, as every minute a person has an important thing to convey or receive. It is a common sight to see a young boy or a girl with legs. astride motorbikes engaged in whispers while earning the abuses of passers-by. Car drivers resting their ears on shoulders with cellphones sandwiched is not uncommon. Rich or poor, you must have one because SMS contacts are part of one's daily chores in India. The growth of mobile phones is very high and has already crossed 4.61 billion.

It is yet to be ascertained how much exactly in our life cellphones are relevant. Is our preoccupation with cellphones going to contribute to the quality of time we pass? What are more, cellphones pose a great health risk Mobile phones and relay towers of mobile signals radiate radio frequency energy that heats up tissues which may be possibly harmful to human health? Particularly pregnant women, heart patients, and children are at great risk, but at present who cares? Therefore, one cannot afford to be careless with the small machine in our hand or pocket. The innocuous-looking cellphone may, by radiation exposure or electronic discharge, cause potential health hazards.

All over Europe, governments have issued warnings about electronic radiation European Environment Agency wants exposures to be limited and advises limited use for children, pregnant women, and persons with certain diseases. It is time our government adopted safety measures with the cooperation of the cellphone industry.

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